Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wowowowoooow :)

Dreams became true))

"The Source of Information"

Рейчил Ямагата - це американська співачка і піаністка з Арлінгтону, штат Вірджинія. Перш ніж стати сольним артистом, випустити чотири платівки та три студійні альбоми, вона працювала з гуртом Bumpus. Її пісні звучали на численних телевізійних шоу, вона співпрацювала з іншими співаками, в тому числі з Джейсоном Мразом, Рейтом Міллером, Брайтом Айс, Райаном Адамсом і Тутс.
Вона була донькою розлучених батьків, тому будинком для Рейчел в дитинстві був як Вашингтон, де жив її батько - адвокат японського походження, так і Нью-Йорк, де мешкала її мати - художниця з італо-німецьким корінням. Ямагата закінчила Holton-Arms School для дівчаток в Бетесді, штат Маріленд, відвідувала Північно-Західний університет і Вассарський Коледж.
Протягом шести років Ямагата була вокалісткою в чиказькому колективі Bumpus. У 2001 році вона написала кілька власних композицій, це і підштовхнуло співачку зайнятися сольною кар'єрою. У 2002 році вона підписала контракт із звукозаписною компанією Arista Records, а в жовтні наступного року вийшов її міні-альбом "Rachael Yamagata EP".
Її перший повноформатний альбом, "Happenstance" ("Випадковість"), що вийшов у червні 2004 року, одразу отримав позитивні відгуки. Його було записано у Compass Point студії, а продюсером став Джон Алагіа. В 1963 році вийшов її кліп на пісню Worn Me Down. 
Ямагата гастролювала з Менді Мур і ясприяла створенню її альбому Wild Hope в 2007 році.

Rachael Yamagata is an American singer-songwriter and pianist from Arlington, Virginia. She began her musical career with the band Bumpus before becoming a solo artist and releasing four EP's and three studio albums. Her songs have appeared on numerous television shows and she has collaborated with other musicians including Jason Mraz, Rhett Miller, Bright Eyes, Ryan Adams, Toots.
Yamagata's childhood was divided between her divorced parents; her father, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney; and her mother, an artist/painter living in New York City.Yamagata graduated from the Holton-Arms School for Girls in Bethesda, Maryland and attended Northwestern University and Vassar College.
Yamagata became the vocalist for the Chicago group Bumpus and spent six years touring, writing and recording with the band before leaving in 2001 to begin a solo career. In September 2002, she obtained a two-record deal with Arista's Private Music and her self-titled EP produced by Malcolm Burn, Rachael Yamagata EP was released in October.
Her first full-length album, Happenstance, followed in June 2004 and received favorable reviews.The album produced by John Alagia at Compass Point Studios featured the song "I Want You" and she made videos for the songs Worn Me Down and 1963.
Yamagata toured with Mandy Moore and contributed a song to Moore's 2007 album, Wild Hope.
Listen or download Rachael Yamagata The only fault for free on Prostopleer

What is more important: to have or to be?

It has been  my food for thought for years. And now it's time to think about it.

Some people say that money is everything in our life. I think it is not as important as our friendship, freedom or hobbies. But can we realize our dreams without money? There is no real freedom without it. We can’t follow our hobbies if we don’t have money. If people earn money the right way , they know the real value of it. But some people become slaves to money, don’t they? . Money can’t bring happiness. And even rich people are not always really happy. I’m sure we’re never satisfied: we always think if we just had a little bit more money, we’d be happier. But when we get there, we aren’t. Indeed, the more we make, the more we want; the more we have, the less effective it is at brining us happiness. Besides, I think we overestimate how much pleasure we’ll get from having more, because we quickly adjust to it. More money  leads us to more stress: we keep comparing ourselves with “the family next door”. That means our sense of well-being is made by the fact how we stand relative to others. In such case, we may never turn happy, because there will always be someone who has more, better and so on. 

 I think the only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. Because when you will try to be better than somebody, you will lose yourself. And you won’t be able to say this: «I am delighted that I am here now. I love everything that is around me. I love those who are nearby. And I'm satisfied that I’m just standing here and thinking about it.» Probably when you will realize this - you'll feel freedom and happiness, you'll be in tune with yourself. 

 That’s why I prefer to exist mostly in the «to be» mode, which is based on friendship, sharing, love and communication. And what do you think about it? 

New Year Special

I wish you'll be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer, live every moment of 2013 and  feel fresh and ready to take up any challenge. Let this year will be full of different positive emotions, love and happiness.
Wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful New Year!

Listen or download Cascada Last Christmas for free on Prostopleer

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My little friend

I’m sure every kid’s dream is keeping a pet.  I wasn’t an exception. When I was a little girl I used to ask my mum to allow me to have a pet. I tried real hard to be a nice girl, to get good marks at school. And it worked — my dream came true.

Kitten Pusia  became  my little friend. It was  so cute, so weak, so trusting. Later , I got to understand  what a precious gift it was.For me my cat wasn’t just a cat  like a hundred thousand other cats.  It was like a lesson I was meant to learn: pets are animals kept not only  for pleasure  because "For what you have tamed, you become responsible forever” (“ The Little Prince”,A.Saint- Exupery). 

Everything you put your heart into will change around you, will acquire new meaning, new sense and colour. 

So, do your cats and dogs know what they mean to you?                      

To do or not to do?

Every day people face problems that, in their view, have no solution. Yes, they find some options of solving but then classical question, which is very difficult for them: "to do or not to do?" arises.

I read an interesting book a month ago. The main character was in a lunatic asylum. He wanted to prove that he could lift an old ceramic sink off the floor. Of course, everyone laughed at him when he failed to do it. Then he turned to them and said: "At least I tried to do that."

It's a matter of attitude. There is no failure in life. You gain experience each time even if you don't successed sometimes. The only failure is not trying.

So, it is never too late to do something, even it is wrong. Because at least you won't blame yourself.

Diagnose "Melomania"

Diagnose "Melomania"
 Am I addicted to music? Yes, I am.. Because the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning is the music of my alarm. When I go to school or back from it, when I walk - I'm listening to music. And even now, when I'm writing this post I'm listening to music too.
Of course, adults say that it is unhealthy and we communicate less with people. But I don't think so. There are moments in my life when music helps me escape from the reality I live in. It also helps me to understand myself and others. That's why I can't do without it.

Do we really all have a common disease called "melomania"? Are we really obsessed by music as it goes in a popular song of Bumboks? 

 Хворі ми хворобою однією,
На щастя ще не вигадали від неї панацею.
На голову, мов злива, впала ця вразлива манія.
Діагноз - меломанія, в нас з вами - меломанія

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's me :)

Hi :)
My name is Olia but my friends call me Lapatulia or sometimes Ruzhulia))  I'm 16 years old. I'm not tall,  I have long red hair and brown eyes.. I have a cat, called Pusia. She is very kind and I love her as if she were my sister =)
My friends say that I'm a funny, smart, generous, sometimes lazy person. I am sociable by nature. I'm spontaneous, I mean I prefer to live at the present moment. I rarely think before I say or do something. I enjoy dancing, listening to music and chatting online. 
My favourite music group is Nirvana and I'm a fan of Kurt Cobain. By the way, I've got to think about "It's better to be a morose dreamer than a mindless party people" - a philosophical statement. Do you agree with this it?

If I were not writing this post now..

If I were not writing this post now, I would go to bed :)
Actually, there are a lot of things I wish I would be doing, instead of just sitting at home and drinking a cup of tea. For example, I could go to the cinema to watch the last part of Twilight. Have you already seen it?