Saturday, December 22, 2012

Diagnose "Melomania"

Diagnose "Melomania"
 Am I addicted to music? Yes, I am.. Because the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning is the music of my alarm. When I go to school or back from it, when I walk - I'm listening to music. And even now, when I'm writing this post I'm listening to music too.
Of course, adults say that it is unhealthy and we communicate less with people. But I don't think so. There are moments in my life when music helps me escape from the reality I live in. It also helps me to understand myself and others. That's why I can't do without it.

Do we really all have a common disease called "melomania"? Are we really obsessed by music as it goes in a popular song of Bumboks? 

 Хворі ми хворобою однією,
На щастя ще не вигадали від неї панацею.
На голову, мов злива, впала ця вразлива манія.
Діагноз - меломанія, в нас з вами - меломанія


  1. I guess it's a common disease, afraid my daughter's also got it. Thanks God it's not contagious!

  2. Ahahah))
    It's not contagious. But if you cought this disease, it won't let you go.
