Saturday, December 22, 2012

To do or not to do?

Every day people face problems that, in their view, have no solution. Yes, they find some options of solving but then classical question, which is very difficult for them: "to do or not to do?" arises.

I read an interesting book a month ago. The main character was in a lunatic asylum. He wanted to prove that he could lift an old ceramic sink off the floor. Of course, everyone laughed at him when he failed to do it. Then he turned to them and said: "At least I tried to do that."

It's a matter of attitude. There is no failure in life. You gain experience each time even if you don't successed sometimes. The only failure is not trying.

So, it is never too late to do something, even it is wrong. Because at least you won't blame yourself.


  1. You're absolutely right in saying that not trying is the failure. When you do something, regardless of mistakes, you learn.

  2. Yes, it's better regret for done than not done.
